Senior Pastors Office

Rev Albert Kang, a Singaporean pastor, serves as the Lead Pastor of FaithLine International Ministries. He is a Board Member of Foursquare Singapore. Since 2006, Rev Albert has been the Coordinator of Elijah Challenge Asia and also the Director of Healing Encounter Ministry (HEM). He graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in 1985. Rev Albert is married to Rev Grace Ong and they live in Malaysia.

Since 2005, Rev Grace Kang alongside her husband has ministered and witnessed definite supernatural healing results of over 10,000 people. She is also the co-founder of the Healing Encounter Ministry, which is affiliated with The Elijah Challenge Ministry. Rev Grace also serves as one of the Resident Coordinators and Facilitators for Christian leadership training in Haggai Institute of Malaysia. She is a Board Member of Foursquare Malaysia. God has used her in the prophetic ministry, operating in the gift of the word of knowledge, discernment of spirit and prophetic utterances. She preaches both in English and Malay.

Coming from a Hindu background before being born-again through a series of miracles, Rev Dianithi has a big heart for God. He left many areas of his life to follow Jesus and has been in the ministry for many years in various fields including the worship ministry. Rev Dian is also an international evangelist who moves powerfully in healing, deliverance and the prophetic. He preaches with signs and wonders following.
Assistant Pastors

Having a background of a very staunch Taoist family, Pastor Elaine Goh first heard of Jesus when she was studying in a Methodist school. Loving to sing, she often attended morning devotions. Although she sang about Jesus, she didn’t know who Jesus was, or what He did for her. At seventeen, someone shared what the Jesus she was singing about, had done for her. She was so overwhelmed with gratitude that she immediately accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Pastor Elaine Goh attended Bible school and has been preaching and ministering to people of all walks of life for the past sixteen years.

Pastor Danny Hwang started serving the Lord and the Church since 2001. In 2004, he was called by the Lord to serve the children and thus appointed as the Children’s Pastor of RGBC till June 2015. His passion is to disciple the younger generation especially the children and teens to be God’s Voice for the future generations. He is married to Megan and have two lovely daughters named Dorothy and Hailey.

God has blessed Pastor Karen Wong with a heart to love and care for people. Her greatest desire is to see people being set free from their spiritual and physical bondages by the love and power of Jesus. She enjoys seeing them growing in the Lord and ultimately living their lives in the victory of Christ.
Pastor Karen is receiving her ministry training in Foursquare School of Ministry and also AOIC (Alpha Omega International College). The Lord has entrusted her with many ministries in FaithLine, and she is serving as the Coordinator of Faith Power Night (FPN), Assistant Cell Leader, Administrator of Bible courses, Head of Cyber Ministry, Head of Hybrid Ministry, team leader of ROCK (Re-Opening of Church Kick-Off) Team and also a part of the Worship Ministry. She is married to Bro Beh and they have a daughter, Emma.

Pastor Kang Chong Aik has been assisting as an Elder and Church leader for many years in his former churches. He functioned in various pastoral capacities such as taking care of the hospital visitation ministry and the bereavement ministry. Pastor Kang has a self-sacrificing spirit and is most willing to serve in whichever areas that God has placed him. Many have witnessed him serving the congregation humbly as an usher, greeter, helper and back-up singer. Whether it is in the spotlight or behind the scene, nothing is too lowly for this pastor. He always serves with all his heart.
Currently, Pastor Kang is the Floor Manager in charge of the Church sanctuary during worship services. He is also the Head of the ROCK (Re-Opening of Church Kick-Off) Team, a Delta Cell Leader and a part of the Worship Ministry. Pastor Kang is married to Sister Jane, and they have a son, Joshua.

At the age of 9, the Lord had filled Pastor Shaveetha Dianithi with the Holy Spirit and called her to ministry. Then 10 years later, she responded to the call of God and entered full-time ministry as a Youth Pastor. After four years, she joined the secular workforce to gain experience serving in the marketplace. During that period of time, she was actively involved with the Worship Ministry and also the Children’s Ministry.
Today, in FaithLine, Pastor Shaveetha serves as the Coordinator of the Media and Sound Ministry. She continues to do what she loves best and that is to minister to the youth and young adults in the Youth Ministry and Young Adults Ministry. Being a good musician with an anointed voice, she is an integral part of the worship team and serving as one of the worship leaders of FaithLine. Pastor Shaveetha is the daughter of Rev Dianithi and the late Rev Lalitha.

Pastor Tommy Chen heard the call of God when he attended the Prayer Conference on Mount Murud in 2017. He answered the call by getting trained in the 6-day intensive Healing Encounter Ministry Seminar 2.0 at Penang in 2019. And subsequently, he received further training by Rev William Lau, the founder of The Elijah Challenge, in the healing ministry. The Lord has used this pastor to cast out many demons and heal many people who were sick.
All over Malaysia, Pastor Tommy tirelessly responds to the needs of the people and travels to those remote places to share Gospel through signs and wonders. These few years have been very fruitful and many people gave their lives to the Lord because this man of God was willing to yield himself to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Tommy is a fine-art artist by profession and is married to Sister Siew Mey. They have a daughter named Lydia and a son named David.
Affiliate Pastors

Rev Ricky Sim is a co-founder of “The Transformation of the Heart” Ministry together with his wife Rev Wendy Sim. It is a faith-funded ministry started in 2014. He is based in Singapore and travels internationally to teach and minister to churches at conferences and seminars.
Rev Ricky is an ordained ministers under The Foursquare Gospel Church of Malaysia and also The International Foursquare Church of Singapore.
He authors three books and they are :
“The Unguarded Heart”; “The Undivided Heart” and “The Undefiled” Heart.
Some of the series of teaching Rev Ricky and Rev Wendy had developed are on:
- Transformation of the Heart
- Redeeming the Time
- Lifestyle Worship
- The Spiritual Disciplines
Rev Ricky Sim is a passionate worshipper and founder of The Praise and Worship Connection (TPWC), an international worship blog that inspires believers to live as Lifestyle Worshippers. He is also a lecturer at Covenant Vision School of Ministry, Singapore.

Rev Wendy Sim is a co-founder of “The Transformation of the Heart” Ministry together with her husband Rev Ricky Sim. It is a faith-funded ministry started in 2014. She is based in Singapore and travels internationally to teach and minister to churches at conferences and seminars.
Rev Wendy is an ordained ministers under The Four Square Malaysia and also The International Four Square Church of Singapore.
She co-authors three books with Rev Ricky Sim and they are :
“The Unguarded Heart”; “The Undivided Heart” and “The Undefiled” Heart.
Some of the series of teaching she and Rev Ricky had developed are on:
- Transformation of the Heart
- Redeeming the Time
- Lifestyle Worship
- The Spiritual Disciplines

Pastor Stevens Chan lost his eyesight due to glaucoma when he was at his prime. As an entrepreneur and achiever, he was devastated as to how his future would be like. Little did he realize that God would use his handicap to touch many for Christ. Now, Pastor Stevens is 100 percent sure that his life, though without sight, is bringing glory to God by helping those in the same situation as he is. He is able to encourage the patients who just lost their sight to trust God and learn a new way of living.
Pastor Stevens is the founding president of the Malaysian Glaucoma Society. He and his members have raised awareness against this sight-robbing disease by encouraging everyone to take an annual eye check-up. He is the first to import a “seeing-eye” dog to Malaysia. This guide dog has been trained to lead blind or visually impaired people around obstacles. He and his wife, Sis Kaye, are working tirelessly to help as many people as possible to prevent the loss of their eyesight.

The divine call that Pastor Tee Joo Tatt experienced is unique because he has been called to minister to the Nepalese. Upon receiving this mandate, this pastor began to prepare himself by first learning how to read and speak the Nepalese language. And he did it through the internet and CDs. Subsequently, he is able to preach and teach in Nepalese. In 2005, he met Rev William Lau, the founder of The Elijah Challenge and his life was changed forever. He learned how to apply the power and authority of the Lord to minister healing to the infirm and also to cast out demons. From then on, his Nepalese ministry was packed with signs and wonders. When Pastor Tee was in Nepal, he traveled on motorcycle to remote villages to share the Gospel with Power Evangelism.
Even though now, during the pandemic, he is not able to go there, that does not stop him from ministering healing through the internet. He has been having good successes and there are many encouraging testimonies of how God has intervened and healed many. Many of his spiritual protégés have gone back to Nepal to establish house churches. Today, Pastor Tee is pastoring a congregation of Nepalese, Aenon Sangati Seremban Jaya in Malaysia and teaching the churches in Nepal through internet due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Pastor Tee has retired from his secular job and is now a full-time Pastor. He is married to Sis Joo Ee and they have five children – Debra, Grace, Faith, Joshua and Amos.